Let’s Talk: Depression & Anxiety Is Making Me Crazy?!


Pretty much.

I can’t lie, life is a lot better than it was before, now that I’m in recovery. I don’t have to worry about so many things and my mind is a lot clearer – in relation to ED things.

But the depression & anxiety… it’s crippling.  I’m coping okay – I’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot of the techniques that worked for my ED, work for my depression as well. But I’ve found that so many days, it’s just so damn hard to leave my bed. I don’t think I’ve ever been more suicidal in my life – but I definitely don’t want to die.

There’s not really a lot to talk about right now, to be honest. Life is good. I think that’s the annoying thing with depression and anxiety. Life doesn’t just stop, like it would for other illnesses. You find a way to just pick yourself up and keep going.

But I will do more than that. So much more. And it will be okay. It will all be okay.




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